Stacks Part 2 - Coding

Published on: April 11, 2011

In my last tutorial, I introduced stacks to you and what I would be doing to teach you stacks. In this tutorial, I use what I taught you in my last tutorial to code a program from scratch. I do this the long way without using the Stack library.

There are other ways to do stacks, this is just the way I am teaching you, using structs, arrays, while loops, and functions. This method of teaching shows you exactly what goes on within a Stack. If you are interested in knowing the stack library, I may make a tutorial for that in the future.

If you have any questions about the program or anything in general relating to beginner C++ Programming, feel free to ask.

Remember to checkout the Codesnip below to review the C++ code yourself! Feel free to copy the code, but I ask that you please provide credit if you leave the code unchanged when you use it.


//Programmer: Nazmus
//Program:  Stacks Tutorial


using namespace std;

const int maxstack = 7;

struct stacktype
 string name[maxstack];
 int top;

void createstack(stacktype &stack);
void destroystack(stacktype &stack);

bool fullstack(stacktype stack);
void push(stacktype &stack, string &newelement);

bool emptystack(stacktype stack);
void pop(stacktype &stack, string &poppedelement);

int main()
 stacktype stack; 
 string newelement, poppedelement;
 char quest;


 cout << "Do you want to enter data (y/n)? ";
 cin >> quest;

 while((quest == 'y' || quest == 'Y') && !(fullstack(stack)))
  cout << "Please enter name: ";

  cin >> newelement;
  push(stack, newelement);

 cout << "Do you want to enter data (y/n)? ";
 cin >> quest;


 cout << endl << endl;

  pop(stack, poppedelement);

  cout << poppedelement << endl;

void createstack(stacktype &stack)
{ = -1;

void destroystack(stacktype &stack)
{ = -1;

bool fullstack(stacktype stack)
 if( == maxstack -1) return 1;

 else return 0;

void push(stacktype &stack, string &newelement)
{;[] = newelement;

bool emptystack(stacktype stack)
 if( == -1) return 1;

 else return 0;

void pop(stacktype &stack, string &poppedelement)

 poppedelement =[];;
