Today, I introduce to you Conditional Formatting. In previous tutorials, I covered basic formatting which allows you to highlight as well as make your spreadsheet pop a little.
Conditional Formatting is a very good and easy way to quickly highlight important information in your spreadsheet. This is especially useful if you have a lot of data on your spreadsheet and you want to quickly highlight some specific cells.
Excel gives you some base conditional formatting rules which you can use and modify to your liking. Today we will look at a few of them. Once you learn how to do one, it's extremely easy to learn how to do them all.
The conditional formatting option is found under the "Styles" area of the home tab on your ribbon. Inside, you have the most basic and most used conditional formatting rules. High rules, top/bottom rules, databars, color sets, and icon sets. They all have their place in your data. Just one thing to note is that not all of these will work with text in your cells.
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